True Love - Revelation 2:1-5, 1 John 3:1-3
Exposure: Read the warning against turning from your first love. Look up the lyrics of The Twelve Days of Christmas. Find at least one other person to sing it with you.
Exploration: Who is your first love? Think back to how your feelings of love change over time. In what ways can you relate to the Ephesian church?
Expression: Write lyrics to your own version of the song as an expression of what you would like to give to Jesus—your true first love. Include in your song the pieces of your life that He wants, the changes He wants you to make, and the things He wants you to take action on.
Experience: Read the passage from 1 John about his great love for us. What gifts has our True Love already given to you?
Family reading from Jesus Storybook Bible: Ten ways to be perfect
Exposure: Read the warning against turning from your first love. Look up the lyrics of The Twelve Days of Christmas. Find at least one other person to sing it with you.
Exploration: Who is your first love? Think back to how your feelings of love change over time. In what ways can you relate to the Ephesian church?
Expression: Write lyrics to your own version of the song as an expression of what you would like to give to Jesus—your true first love. Include in your song the pieces of your life that He wants, the changes He wants you to make, and the things He wants you to take action on.
Experience: Read the passage from 1 John about his great love for us. What gifts has our True Love already given to you?
Family reading from Jesus Storybook Bible: Ten ways to be perfect