Terrified - Luke 2:1-20
Exposure: Read the account of the shepherds who became witnesses to Jesus' arrival.
Exploration: Wonderful and terrifying at the same time! What do you think was going through the shepherd's minds when the angels appeared?
Expression: How would you have felt if you were given this news? Discuss with a friend or journal about your reflections of this miraculous scene.
Experience: Have you had an experience where God interrupted your life with an important message? How was that a combination of terrifying and wonderful? Take time to pray—not to say anything to God, just to listen.
Family Reading from Jesus Storybook Bible: The terrible lie
Exposure: Read the account of the shepherds who became witnesses to Jesus' arrival.
Exploration: Wonderful and terrifying at the same time! What do you think was going through the shepherd's minds when the angels appeared?
Expression: How would you have felt if you were given this news? Discuss with a friend or journal about your reflections of this miraculous scene.
Experience: Have you had an experience where God interrupted your life with an important message? How was that a combination of terrifying and wonderful? Take time to pray—not to say anything to God, just to listen.
Family Reading from Jesus Storybook Bible: The terrible lie