What is my role in this thing called the church? So what’s the deal with Spiritual gifts? Sunday we learned that everyone has a role to play and a gift to use. Here’s the good news –you don’t have to know what that gift is to start serving! The best way to find out what you’re good at is by stepping in, meeting a need, and reflecting on what brought you the most joy and what you were the most equipped to do. Jesus used fishermen, tax collectors, outcasts, shepherds, and the list goes on in order to show others who He is. And He will use you in whatever stage of life you are in as well. And here’s even better news! You don’t have to be everything to everyone all the time! We are in a family of believers so that we can work together – each of us using the gifts and abilities God has given us. God created us this way. In 1 Corinthians 12 Paul talks about this exact thing. Read it and you will understand that you are significant because you are a part of the body (our family).
We at Level.13 and Impact want you to find your significance. We believe the church is most effective in reaching every man, woman and child with the gospel when we are all working together using our unique gifts. Some of you may know what those gifts are, but others of you are still figuring that out. We encourage a couple different things. First, if you hear of a need, consider stepping in to meet it and see if it’s a good fit for you. Second, take this Spiritual Gifts Analysis to help you discover your gifts. Know that this analysis is only a guide and that your gifts are changing as you grow and are put in different circumstances.
We would love to chat with you if you have any questions about your gifts or ways that you can use them. Feel free to email us at [email protected] or [email protected].
We at Level.13 and Impact want you to find your significance. We believe the church is most effective in reaching every man, woman and child with the gospel when we are all working together using our unique gifts. Some of you may know what those gifts are, but others of you are still figuring that out. We encourage a couple different things. First, if you hear of a need, consider stepping in to meet it and see if it’s a good fit for you. Second, take this Spiritual Gifts Analysis to help you discover your gifts. Know that this analysis is only a guide and that your gifts are changing as you grow and are put in different circumstances.
We would love to chat with you if you have any questions about your gifts or ways that you can use them. Feel free to email us at [email protected] or [email protected].